Festive Season Support

As we move towards the end of the year, work ramps up, Christmas parties begin and the festive season is in full swing. While increased socialising often means increased eating & drinking, there is no need to put your health on hold during this time.

My top tips for supporting your body and keeping your health on track over the festive season are:

Bitter foods: incorporate bitter foods in meals to support digestion. These include rocket, radicchio, endive, dandelion, kale & olives

Cruciferous vegetables: increase your intake of cruciferous vegetables to support liver detoxification. These include broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage & Brussel sprouts

Fibre: increase fibre intake to support liver detoxification and regular bowel movements. Sources of fibre include fruit & vegetables (especially with the skin on eg.kiwi fruit), chia seeds, oats & psyllium husk

Antioxidants: up your antioxidants to support liver function. Antioxidant rich foods include berries, turmeric, red capsicum & dark leafy green vegetables

Fermented Foods: incorporate fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi & kefir to support a healthy microbiome and reduce the festive bloat

Hydration: ensure you are consuming a minimum of 2L of water daily, increasing this if you are consuming caffeine, alcohol or engaging in physical activity. To increase the appeal of your water, try the following additions:

  • Fresh lemon & lime

  • Fresh berries & basil

  • Fresh cucumber & mint

  • Fresh orange & ginger

  • Fresh grapefruit & rosemary

Alcohol: if enjoying any alcohol, ensure you drink a glass of water in between drinks and where possible opt for clear spirits and soda water over tonic water to minimise sugar intake. 

Exercise: physical activity supports detoxification, so try and maintain your regular exercise routine during the Christmas season by moving your body in a way that feels good for you

Liver Loving Spritz Recipe

Sparkling water

Seedlip non-alcoholic gin

Juice of ¼ lime

1 sprig of rosemary

1 passionfruit


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