How To Support Egg Quality

AMH gets a lot of attention, however it is only one marker of fertility, and it only measures egg count not egg quality, which is arguably more important!⁣

There is SO much that we can do to support egg quality through diet, lifestyle & specific supplements.

Dietary Support

Protein: Adequate protein intake is necessary not only for fertility, but for overall health. Sources of protein include red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, tofu/tempeh, legumes & tahini.

Omega 3 fatty acids: Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to improve egg quality & fertility outcomes. Omega 3's are also an important component of cellular membranes required by the body to create eggs. These are found in extra virgin olive oil, nuts & seeds, oily fish & avocado

Antioxidants: Antioxidants are responsible to reducing free radical damage, and have been shown to reduce DNA damage and apoptosis, which in turn supports egg quality and fertilisation. These are found in brightly coloured fruit & vegetables such as turmeric, capsicum, berries & dark leafy greens.

Lifestyle Support

Stress Management: Managing stress is an important part of fertility and supporting egg quality as high levels of stress affects our hormones, which in turn can impact egg quality. Stress management practices include breath work, time in nature, gentle movement, meditation/mindfulness & journalling.

Reduce Environmental Toxins: Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC’s) can have a significant impact on egg quality & overall fertility. Start by swapping out plastic water bottles and Tupperware for glass or stainless steel, swap your household products over to low tox options & choose organic food where possible.


CoQ10: CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that protects DNA from oxidation. It has been shown to reduce DNA damage and apoptosis, which in turn supports egg quality & fertilisation.

Inositol: Inositol supports ovulation, follicle size and viability & quality of oocytes (developing eggs).

NAC: N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is another potent antioxidant that has been shown to improve fertility and the outcomes of assisted reproductive procedures.

Zinc: Zinc is important for egg health as it supports ovulation, is involved in oocyte growth and is required for egg maturation.


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